
Showing posts from 2008

Sunday in Ballard

Aimee being lovely Originally uploaded by Invisible Hour Last Sunday my friend David picked me up for brunch in the Ballard Neighborhood. David is a great photographer on the side of being a tattoo artist. He shoots bands, night outs on the town and so forth. He took out his camera as we strolled Ballard. Click here to see photos. His captions are funny. Also.... A friend who knows I prefer dogs over cats sent this to me. Now I love Ocelots over all other animals. (well atleast as kittens)

Obama Wins

ObamaWins-022 Originally uploaded by &y It was an emotional night. I could not believe things were going the way I had hoped. The last Presidential election was so hard for me that I woke up with a rash all over my arms and legs. The stress and anxiety over the fact that Bush won, came out through my allergies. IT SUCKED and so did the last 4 years having him in office. I had lost a lot of faith in our country. This election was liberating. My gut was with Obama because something about him made me feel we have a chance for change. I have friends from Chicago who knew of his amazing work with the local communities. He's real. He's passionate. He's what our country needs right now and I couldn't be happier. Here is a video that someone shot at the showbox. I'm not in it but you can see how excited everyone was. MORE PHOTOS! (Including me celebrating on top of my bosses car, in the heart of downtown Seattle!) Here is a slideshow by Andy, a great photographer fel...

Digital Conversion

The kids know who we are voting for

My niece and nephew heard his name on TV and started saying his name. Too cute!

There is a chance for change.

I really hope my fellow Pennsylvanians vote wisely. Take a listen . One of my favorite things to listen to is NPR's This American Life. This American Life goes to Pennsylvania, a battleground within a battleground, to figure out why, and how, John McCain and Barack Obama both think they can win there. And we get to know the ordinary people who’ve become the candidates’ most forceful foot soldiers.

Fall is in full affect.

I had a nice weekend catching up with various people and enjoying the fall weather. A friend of mine came to the office one night to pick me up so I gave him a tour and he was very excited to hold one of the many awards our agency has won. Saturday I went for a motorcycle ride with Wayne over to Easy Street Records to sell back some CD's. The street was having a festival where kids in Halloween costumes roamed in and out of the shops. What I found out later was that right after we left there was a huge "Zombie Walk" with hundred of people walking the streets dressed as zombies.

ayyyyyy its the Fonz

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Proof that it happened.

video... Here are links to my previous blogs about his visit and how WONGDOODY was part of the event: The main event re-cap: Truly touched by the Dalai Lama I wasn't allowed to say "Hate" Photos from meeting his Holiness

Vashon Island is a special little place.

A few weeks ago my friend Jessica asked me and another friend to join her on a "City Girls take on Vashon Island" weekend. Aside from her full-time job at Wongdoody, she writes some freelance articles. Someone asked her to write about Vashon Island, an island that is a quick 20-minute ferry ride from West Seattle. I don't think I would need more than one day there but as you will see in the photos, we made the most out of the visit to the small town.. Here are my photos from this past weekend: Lorien's photos from this weekend: It was an extremely liberal, farming town where you can tell most people knew eachother and they were very nice to us out-of-towners. We stayed at the Giraffe Shop 's Guest Suite. Very neat! We had to try a lot of local spots for the article. We had an AMAZING lunch at MONKEYTREE Cafe. Everything sounded so yummy that we didn't even notice meat wasn't on the menu. Most restaurants used local produce, even down to the butter...

Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!!!

Its nice to see some humor during this frustrating time in the world of politics. Obama roast McCain: McCain roast to Obama:

Should I go back to being a red-head?

While Halloween shopping I bought 3 new wigs to wear for fun. I love this red number.

Oh Snap! This is the best!

Time flies.

This time of the year gets me somewhat sentimental. I have been in my studio for two years. I moved to Seattle in May, 2004 and then moved into this place in September, 2006. I am reminded that things happen for a reason. I may not be settled down and with kids like most people my age, but I couldn't ask for anything more as I am very fortunate to have the life I have. Plus, I have grown so much since I moved out here. Moving into my own place two years ago was a brand new beginning for this east coast gal. It sucks to be so far from family but I'm not ready to move elsewhere. I love it here and am trying to make the most of everyday in the beautiful NW. As you will see apartment is much more comfy than when I first moved in. I can't believe I slept on an air mattress for a few months. Now my friends joke saying its the Ultimate Bachelorette Pad with the best view of the Space Needle.

Figs glorious Figs

Figs... love them! I like figs best when they are topped with melted blue cheese or goat cheese and drizzed with a light sauce. mmmm yummy! I never had them growing up in Pennsylvania so its one of the things that now amazes me in my thirties. A few of my favorite edibles over the last year or so: • Figs • Avocados (especially in Chicken Tortilla Soup!) • Goat cheese • A peanut butter sandwich WITH bananas and apples on top.

Stuck @Work instead of being at the Obama Fundraiser

I was stuck working late and could not attend the McLeod Residence's Obama Fundraiser but my friends posed for the McLeod Flickr cam for me!

Vacation was a month ago – here's what went down.

I had a great vacation with the folks. We met in San Francisco and traveled south along coast and then north to wine country. It was a little chilly and overcast for most of the week but hey, it was a nice vacation. We did have a day or two of great weather when we were in wine country. THANK GOD FOR THE GPS SYSTEM! It was very helpful on the road trip. We covered A LOT of territory! This is a summary of the key points of our trip. Saturday , Sept. 6th, we met in San Francisco , and then spent half of dinner with Stacey and the remaining half with Kurt. They are currently working complete opposite schedules in a hospital so Stacey took us to a restaurant where Kurt met us when he could break away. Sunday , Sept. 7th, my folks and I drove down to the Monterey Bay/Carmel-By-The-Sea area with a pit stop for lunch in Santa Cruz. Since we got to the Seaside hotel several hours before sunset, we decided to venture down to Big Sur . Most of it was overcast which was a bummer but it was ...

9.6 Vacation has begun

9/6 Last night I left work at 6 to meet a few co-workers at the Arctic Hotels Poco Room where they now serve Absinthe. It was a really classy atmosphere, simply just like a hotel lobby but I opted opt since I am not a fan of ANYTHING that takes like black liquorice. I had one glass one wine and went home to pack. Then I moved my furniture like a puzzle Carpet cleaners are coming while I’m on vacation. Leaving the desk and CD where they are since they are so big, everything else got shoved into the kitchen, closets and bathroom like a puzzle. I put the sofa on its side and put the bed amd its frame up against the wall. I usually like coming home from a vacation to a clean house…. Coming back to this will be no fun however I will have cleaned carpets. In flight to San Francisco on Alaska Air I watched Season 1 of Family Guy. When I landed, Iwaiting in line for almost 2 hours to get grab the rental car and hang out with Philly boy Hanif O’Neill until I got to pick my folks up from the Oak...


20080830 Bumbershoot071 Originally uploaded by kexplive I spent the last day and a half venturing through Bumbershoot, Seattle's Annual 3-day Music & Arts Festival. I met up with various friends in beer gardens, saw some really great concert posters in Flatstock (a poster convention that takes place inside the festival), bought two cool shirts and some more stationary in the massive indie/craft market and managed to see 1 play and 2 bands with friends. There was also a skate ramp where skates and BMX riders were doing tricks. There was several art exhibits including a room that had 2 live models and a band playing with a bunch of easels & supplies for anyone to sit down and draw. Everyone knows I hate crowds and Bumbershoot was actually not that bad this year. The only insane areas were the main walkways. When I was leaving yesterday, traveling with a huge herd of festival-goers some guy in front of me waved his hands and in the process whacked me HARD in the face!!!! He im...

PLaying catch up

So I mentioned a few weeks ago I was invited to my friends' Tanya and Mark's Wedding Celebration. They got married in Novia Scotia (Mark's mom lives there) and then when they returned to Seattle they had a Friday evening Wedding Celebration on 8.8.08 and then Saturday a bunch of us got in cars and headed towards the Cascade Mountains to camp and tube the rest of the weekend. Here are some photos from the Friday party. And a link to some camping & tubing photos. My friend Katie and Eric flew in from Chicago. It was a super fun weekend with lots of laughs, lots of tents and 3 hours of tubing & relaxing down a river.

The people in our lives

Well its been a while since I posted or at least it feels like it. A lot of stuff has been going on. Work is good. Had a super fun "wedding weekend" for Tanya and Mark that I will post in a separate blog soon! On a sad note, I know most of you reading this are family. (I think its my only readers) Though Kevin Martin was obviously sicker than we all thought, I am sad and angry over what happened. I know he loved his family and I am so so sorry they have to go through this pain right now. It was hard for me to hear this news and not want to jump home to be by Cheryl & Nancy's sides. I love them like family and wish I could have been there to help in some way. He is at peace now. Less than 2 years ago a co-worker on my team left the same way. I don't want to get into on here but I gained a better understanding from Kelly's passing as to why people make the decisions they do and how it takes a very sick person to take this turn. A fond memory I have of Kevin: A...

WONGDOODY Summer Party 2008!!!

We spent the afternoon in a big suite at the Mariners game and then a bunch f us went to a vendors Summer Party near Pike Place Market and pretty much took over. (you can see all the green and black t's overpowered the rest of the crowd) Slideshow version: The videos are of Mr. Pat Doody and Tony, one of the Art Directors attacking each other with Peanuts. Doody vs Zimney Part 1: Doody vs Zimney Part 2:


Sorry for the lack of posting. I've been super busy but will update on my happenings soon. In the meantime a co-worker emailed this to me. America is Fucked. Excuse the language & the title but I think the guy makes a GREAT point. It seems to be part of a documentary. As a designer, I truly appreciate the statement this guy is making.

Good job Geoff!

'Stiffys'? Originally uploaded by beatnikside Geoff, a guy I know captured this great photo of two Seattle staples. I thought it was funny. Once day the Mecca will probably be replaced by condos so this photo is a keeper. Take note to the bar's current sign.

trying to play catch up - 4th of July weekend

Funny video... See Dr Steve Brule Wine Tasting and more funny videos on See more funny videos at Funny or Die Here are some photos from my 4th of July spent hanging out at my friend Tanya & Mark's new place enjoying a very low-key relaxing 4th. My favorite part of the day was us "playing dead" on our walk back from watching the fireworks. Yes wacky but we couldn't stop laughing.

just a nice photo

Aimee Originally uploaded by beatnikside I have 4th of July fun still to post but wanted to share this photo in the meantime. Nothing special but a candid shot a friend took of me at my local watering hole.

Sonics moving to Oklahoma City

I now live in a city without a NBA Basketball team. This photo is heart breaking for me as I loved going to Sonics games. At least we still have the Storm, the female team which is a really good team, unfortunately not as popular as the Sonics. Wow this sucks. Here is an article if you want to read more and find out why Sonics are moving to Oklahoma City.

Hot Weekend Made Me a Hot Mess

This was a hot but nice weekend! I hung out with friends, roamed the racks at a local record store, had yummy dinners and brunch, saw the end of the Gay Pride Parade in my neighborhood, played Flag Football for Wongdoody and attended a Bean "Date Auction" meeting. Today Sunday was an extremely hot day! A VERY cute cafe several blocks from me called Boat Street Cafe had the most yummy menu options. My friend Hema and Howard joined me there for brunch today. A little pricey but worth every bite & I loved the atmosphere! I went with the Fig and Goat Cheese salad. HEAVEN! After brunch while walking back to our apartments, we saw the tail end of the Annual Gay Pride Parade that takes place on 4th avenue, a block from my apartment. I don't care for parades but this one is entertaining. People are dancing, some in drag, some trans-gender, some walking in stilettos and some barely in anything at all. Its fun to watch from the sidelines and its also good to support their choic...

Long Day but good news when I got home

I worked a super long day today. 13+ hours. We were making changes and waiting for final approval from the client so it was a late evening. I left the office at 9:45pm. I'm beat but when I got home I received great news... starting August 1st my apartment building will be smoke-free, prohibiting people from smoking in their apartments. This makes me VERY HAPPY as I can smell cigarettes through the vents sometimes. I'm tired....but so happy! I didn't take any photos of tonight's sunset but decided to post another from last week's late night in the office. We do have an amazing view!!!!

Summer Solstice

Another nice weekend. The work week was crazy so by the time Friday evening rolled around, I was ready to relax and have a good time. Last Friday I met up with Audra, Karin, Hema and a group of people and went out in my neighborhood to celebrate the beginning of Summer. We had fun but it was hard to roll out of bed the next morning for a hair appointment. I ran some errands, bought a cute dress on sale and then laid low the rest of the day. I spent Saturday afternoon at the coffee shop doing some vacation research and then went and a movie with my friend Karin. Sunday I played my 1st game of flag football with the Wongdoody team over at Seattle Center and then went to a BBQ. It was a nice start to the summer though or team lost horribly! The picture above is Hema, Audra, Karin and I at the BBQ Sunday night. I met the girls, along with a few others we hang out with over the last couple years through Bean (the volunteer group). They are a sweet, fun group of gals. Us gals made a pact th...

Weekends are flying by!!!!

Sorry for the slowness in post. I'm trying to play catch up. Well it looks like spring is finally here or maybe we jumped straight into summer, missing the spring season? Anyway 2 WEEKENDS AGO (I have been too busy to post this blog) weekend was busy but fun. Friday I had a low-key night at home. Saturday went for a motorcycle ride with my friend Wayne to run a few errands and get my friend Jessica a birthday gift. We cruised south of Seattle and then over to West Seattle along Alki Beach. You could smell the ocean and the views were outstanding. Fellow Wongdoody-ites Janelle and Amy..and Tony's friend Melody. My co-worker Amy came as the Po'girl. "Don't tough her hooch!" in the pocket. Janelle is upper class, Amy is lower. Tony and his friend Melody That night I went to my friend Jessica's 30's Birthday party. It had a 1930's Prohibition theme where for the beginning of the party they played movies with synchronized swimming (oh it reminded ...

The Crow is Back!

Ever since we moved to the new WONGDOODY office over a year ago, every couple of months someone has gotten attacked by a crow. It is probably happening when the crow has mothered new-borns. Last night I was NO WHERE near a nest nor a bird but I could hear crowing. Within a few seconds I felt the crow's feet hit my head which almost knocked me over! She did not bite but it was FREAKY to feel her feet on my head!!! She completely whacked me! I went to the end of the block and watch the bird do the same thing to a guy. I am now part of the percentage of Wongdoody-ites who have been attacked.

Be a Twin for a Night Party

ready to be triplets! Originally uploaded by ::: a i m e e ::: Sooooo much fun!!! While I was in Levittown, my friend Audra wasn't sure if I'd be back for the Tillman Twins birthday party so she asked her best friend Ben to be her twin. He agreed but refused to dress up. When I got back to town Audra asked me if I want to join them and if so, to dress like Ben. I actually had a bald cap and glasses for past halloweens so it was perfect. Especially since most girls would be dressing all cute and sexy. We were a hit! We were the funniest set of "siblings." Best compliment after I was hanging out without the bald cap: "Wow you are so much hotter with hair." ha ha Click here for photo set Click here for slideshow

Photos from my trip to Levittown

Sorry for the delay in post. I’m finally getting back into my routine. I got in super late Tuesday night and then had things all week long after work, including a super fun “Twin Birthday party” Friday night, several Seattle Film Festival movies to attend and other stuff going on. (I'll explain the "Twin Party" in my next blog since I have photos from that!) I can’t get my family situation out of my head. Thre is a lot going on and I really wish I could be there for my mom and help her with my grandparents. It breaks my heart to know I can’t be there to help the family during this difficult time so it was nice to have had so much going this past week to keep my spirits up. I absolutely love the Northwest and need to stay here for the time being and until I know if somewhere else feels right. Nowhere else feels right at the moment, not even least not right now. I just wish I could be there to keep my mom's spirits up. Laughter is the best medicine. Anyway, h...

Jam packed weekend

Sorry for the delay in post. I’m finally getting bak into my routine since I got back from Levittown. I got in super late Tuesday night and then had things all week long after work, including a super fun “Twin Birthday party” Friday night. It was for 2 twin guys and they asked everyone to come as a twin with someone. So.... My friend Audra & I dressed exactly like our friend Ben who didn’t want to dress up. We wore bald caps, glasses and similar outfits and tried to do his posed and mannerisms all night. It was a hit! Especially since most gilrs simply dressed alike to look sexy. My friend Karin who lives a block away left her keys at the party so we had a slumber party at my house. She made fun of the fact that I have to shut my blids to the space needle because its too bright. She agreed its too bright. H aha Then Saturday niight my friend Audra and I saw back to back SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) and then went to Karin’s birthday outing. Sunday morning I struggled ...

Robern Co-workers reunite in Seattle

Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:12am Originally uploaded by McLeod Residence Photobooth My old co-worker Mick from Robern, who is also no longer with Robern and living in Baltimore is out here for business. I haven't seen him in 7 years and we both are still the same! We went out for a few drinks last night and I'll be showing him around Seattle tomorrow. Its only one day to see the city, so I'll sweep him through the library (because of its architecture) West Seattle, Ballard Locks,the troll and just about as much as we run into. Its so nice out that it would be cool to go kayaking. We'll see.

Photos from meeting his Holiness

I mentioned in a previous blog how the main group from my company that worked on the Seeds of Compassion account were fortunate enough to be invited to meet the Dalai Lama. I happened to be volunteering at the location and the secret service asked me, with very strict instruction to run downstairs to greet my co-workers and keep an eye them and not let them move until I get further instruction. With that, to my surprise I got to also greet his Holiness. I was not sure what was going to happen AND YOU CAN TELL by my photo. The photo was obviously taken in-between our bow and shaking hands. I did make eye contact with him a second before and after. In greeting order from Right to Left: Tracy Wong, Mrs. Wong, Pat Doody, Bri, Amy, Glenn, Steve, Dax, Jeremy, Tony, Emily, Nick, Janelle, Kenta, and I