Time flies.

This time of the year gets me somewhat sentimental. I have been in my studio for two years. I moved to Seattle in May, 2004 and then moved into this place in September, 2006. I am reminded that things happen for a reason. I may not be settled down and with kids like most people my age, but I couldn't ask for anything more as I am very fortunate to have the life I have. Plus, I have grown so much since I moved out here.

Moving into my own place two years ago was a brand new beginning for this east coast gal. It sucks to be so far from family but I'm not ready to move elsewhere. I love it here and am trying to make the most of everyday in the beautiful NW.

As you will see below...my apartment is much more comfy than when I first moved in. I can't believe I slept on an air mattress for a few months. Now my friends joke saying its the Ultimate Bachelorette Pad with the best view of the Space Needle.


Anonymous said…
Those photos are great! Glad that you have learned to love our fair rainy city. :-)
Anonymous said…
ugh, i miss it =/

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