
20080830 Bumbershoot071
Originally uploaded by kexplive
I spent the last day and a half venturing through Bumbershoot, Seattle's Annual 3-day Music & Arts Festival. I met up with various friends in beer gardens, saw some really great concert posters in Flatstock (a poster convention that takes place inside the festival), bought two cool shirts and some more stationary in the massive indie/craft market and managed to see 1 play and 2 bands with friends. There was also a skate ramp where skates and BMX riders were doing tricks. There was several art exhibits including a room that had 2 live models and a band playing with a bunch of easels & supplies for anyone to sit down and draw.

Everyone knows I hate crowds and Bumbershoot was actually not that bad this year. The only insane areas were the main walkways. When I was leaving yesterday, traveling with a huge herd of festival-goers some guy in front of me waved his hands and in the process whacked me HARD in the face!!!! He immediately apologized but man did that hurt! I told him to be more aware of their surroundings. His idiot friend said he should give me $5. (what the heck could that do?)

After that, I decided I had my fill of Bumbershoot and sold my today's ticket to a friend at a discounted rate. Today I spent cleaning my apartment since I'll be most likely working late all this week & then leaving for vacation on Saturday to meet my folks in San Francisco!!!!!


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