Jam packed weekend

Sorry for the delay in post. I’m finally getting bak into my routine since I got back from Levittown. I got in super late Tuesday night and then had things all week long after work, including a super fun “Twin Birthday party” Friday night. It was for 2 twin guys and they asked everyone to come as a twin with someone. So.... My friend Audra & I dressed exactly like our friend Ben who didn’t want to dress up. We wore bald caps, glasses and similar outfits and tried to do his posed and mannerisms all night. It was a hit! Especially since most gilrs simply dressed alike to look sexy. My friend Karin who lives a block away left her keys at the party so we had a slumber party at my house. She made fun of the fact that I have to shut my blids to the space needle because its too bright. She agreed its too bright. H aha Then Saturday niight my friend Audra and I saw back to back SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) and then went to Karin’s birthday outing. Sunday morning I struggled to get out of bed and attend a little brunch at a nearby restaurant, Lola. Yummy! Afterwards, my friend Ann and I hit up another SIFF movie.
The weekend flew by!

Galoopers....I highly recommend the foreign film “Late Bloomers.” If one of you has netflix and can order the film, watched it on whatever Galooper has the biggest screen since it is subtitled. Its worth it! Its about 4 old ladies who open up a lingerie shop and how the village is mortified by this new little business. Very good!

I can’t get my family situations out of my head. I really wish I could be there for my mom and help her with my grandparents. It breaks my heart to know I can’t be there to help the family during this difficult time so it was nice to have so much going on this weekend to lift my spirits and get my mind off things. Laughter is the best medicine. I had a lot of laughs this weekend and see 3 really great movies.


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