Obama Wins

Originally uploaded by &y
It was an emotional night. I could not believe things were going the way I had hoped. The last Presidential election was so hard for me that I woke up with a rash all over my arms and legs. The stress and anxiety over the fact that Bush won, came out through my allergies. IT SUCKED and so did the last 4 years having him in office. I had lost a lot of faith in our country.

This election was liberating. My gut was with Obama because something about him made me feel we have a chance for change. I have friends from Chicago who knew of his amazing work with the local communities. He's real. He's passionate. He's what our country needs right now and I couldn't be happier.

Here is a video that someone shot at the showbox. I'm not in it but you can see how excited everyone was.

MORE PHOTOS! (Including me celebrating on top of my bosses car, in the heart of downtown Seattle!)

Here is a slideshow by Andy, a great photographer fella who did a great job capturing the event.


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