The people in our lives

Well its been a while since I posted or at least it feels like it. A lot of stuff has been going on.
Work is good.
Had a super fun "wedding weekend" for Tanya and Mark that I will post in a separate blog soon!

On a sad note, I know most of you reading this are family. (I think its my only readers)Though Kevin Martin was obviously sicker than we all thought, I am sad and angry over what happened. I know he loved his family and I am so so sorry they have to go through this pain right now. It was hard for me to hear this news and not want to jump home to be by Cheryl & Nancy's sides. I love them like family and wish I could have been there to help in some way. He is at peace now.

Less than 2 years ago a co-worker on my team left the same way. I don't want to get into on here but I gained a better understanding from Kelly's passing as to why people make the decisions they do and how it takes a very sick person to take this turn.

A fond memory I have of Kevin:
A few years ago Kevin shared his thoughts of me as a child.... I was probably 3 or 4 yrs old.
He said I use to stand at the end of the driveway and yell over to him. As Cheryl and Kevin helped Nancy unload the groceries from the car, every single time they came back out of the house to get another bag I said "Hi Cheryl, Hi Nancy, Hi Kevin" and I didn't stop. He wanted to kill me. I was always yelling over to him and it drove him nuts. He hated kids because of ME!!!! This is the same person who many years later learned to love kids through his own. He now has two beautiful kids that surely didn't drive him nuts like I did!

On a happy note... the 1st "Kid Galooper" was out to Seattle. Mike Ivanisik came to town for business and we met up for dinner and drinks on his last night in town. We had a fun time. After dinner, my friends Karin and Hema joined us for a few drinks. Mike and I shared some Galooper/Mom stories which had us all laughing.
Is there ever a bad time with any galoopers??? I think not!
Cousin Mike in town from Jersey!


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