Tommy Riddle

The day started on a sad note, my cousin Tommy passed away. He was too young to go so soon. 43! He left behind an amazing, caring wife who adored him and two sweet boys. He had a heart attack Tuesday night while at dinner with friends. I found out Wednesday morning.

I feel so horrible. I hate to see my family in pain. I know this hit the family hard. My cousin Peggy has already been through so much with losing her husband only a few months ago. I cannot imagine how hard this is for my great-aunt Claire. Losing your child must be the hardest thing someone could go through. Oh and his boys...they were in Florida with Peggy when Tommy passed away. Can you imagine not being able to say goodbye? Its truly heartbreaking. I feel so sad for my family and no words can express how sorry I feel for the Riddles.

I am thankful that my Aunt Cathy is up visiting from Florida. Over the years, its become so apparent that my mom is a family stone. She maintains great communication with the family, especially her aunts and is always there when they need her.
Caring for my grandparents is extremely stressful for my mom. Even with the help of her siblings and my dad, I know her days speed by and its hard on her. I'm glad my aunt was up there during this difficult time to help tend to the family needs because my mom can't be everywhere. These are the times I wish I can leap home to be there for them.

I hope they all know they are in my thoughts everyday, especially during this difficult time. I'm sure Tommy is up in heaven making Christmas Eve pizza with his Uncle Bill.


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