McLeod Residence

The McLeod Residence Art Gallery – July 21, 2007
On a rainy, muggy Saturday night, a few of us went to check out this gallery in my neighborhood. I had been wanting to check this place out.

We met up at the Noodle Ranch for a yummy dinner with delicious drinks and then headed to the gallery. It was small but has some really cool pieces.

I loved the wallpaper!

They have a camera that takes snapshots and post on flickr.
This is our group trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Better luck next time!

I stole the following photos from Tony...

Below are images of Katie in the bar area

There is a photo of us checking out the Flickr cam

And the last is a video of a super cool piece in the bathroom, a photo built of a million photos previously taken through this artwork. Tony did a great job capturing it.

Its funny you had to ask people to stop gawking over this artwork when you had to use the restroom.


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