Dahlias, Hollywood Classics and Pirates

Friday I was able to take summer hours. I headed to the market and bought some dahlias. For $8, I got 6 orange and 3 red stems – just enough to add color to my apartment. The orange are currently sitting on my computer desk next to my bed and the red are over near the window. What a pretty flower. Flowers really are a great pick me up - even when you aren't down.

Coincidently as I left the market to head up to Macy's my friend Tara called saying she was heading downtown and wanted to see if I wanted to meet up. Talk about perfect timing. So we met up and did some shopping. I bought a necklace that I have been eying up for a while. I will explain my justification for buying this local designer's piece in a future blog. Tara and I later met up with her fiance, Tom at the Noodle Ranch for dinner and drinks. It was a nice afternoon but I was exhausted by the time I walked home.

I watched From Here to Eternity. One of the most romantic scenes ever is in this film. Its the famous scene where Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr are "making love," rolling around in the sand as the waves hit them. Whats funny is...its that the #1 most romantic scene is a whole 5 seconds, if that! Its as-if they cut to the end of the scene and we missed out on all the good stuff! Scene starts: camera faces ocean and pans to waves crashing on top of the actors while they in their bathing suits kissing on the sand. (as pictured ) A split second goes by and they jump up and chase each other like school kids on the beach. That was it! Less than 5 seconds of romance.

Another funny part of the movie is when Burt Lancaster dressed as in his sergeant uniform, is standing in the rain outside Deborah Kerr's house. Its pouring and its obvious he is getting soaked. They chat at the front door, his eyes look up, his eyebrows are exaggerated to hint its raining and he says something along the lines of "well are you going to let me in?" (in a deep manly voice) and she replies very seriously "I guess you can come. You are going to get wet." As he steps up into the door closely near her he answers, "I'm already wet." ha h Well Deborah...couldn't you see he was already soaked...what a stupid comment.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful. Ran errands, met up with two friends from work to watch the Seafair Pirate Tourchlight Parade on 4th ave., a block from my house. My friend Ken brought his son Linus. We sat inside Uptown Espresso with the perfect window seat. I am not a fan of parades but this was cute and we had nothing better to do. I was amazed how many people camped out for hours in advance, claiming their spot and waiting for this parade. I'll post a video of one group's living room they set up on the curb. That was pretty neat. But a parade is a parade...something I would not sit on a curb and wait several hours for. (take notice to the hanging, working ceiling fan.)


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