Shimmy-Shake Like You Never Shimmy-Shaked Before

I did something fun Tuesday night...I started going to Miss Indigo Blue's Burlesque Dance Class. Its a class that visits the classic burlesque dance moves, very much like a jazz class with such moves as the Charleston.

It all started back in the roaring twenties when gals didn't have to wear corsets and long constricting gowns anymore and could wear knee length dresses with freedom to move their legs anyway they want.

The class was TONS of fun. Burlesque dance is NOT like strip club dance. Like the Charleston its meant to be theatrical and expressive. Its more structured than you think...and not as easy when you are in heels.

1st class I learned the shimmy-shake, how to strut in various ways while incorporating the strut into dance moves, a few other classic burlesque techniques and we even did a final routine.

I'll be missing class next week since a group of us from work are going on an evening sail. Woo-hoo lookout Capt. Hook, here comes shimy-shakin' Hossler.


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