Team: Spare No One!

One more game in the season and we are UNDEFEATED! Team Spare No One is in first place!!!
Its been a good season though I didn't bowl as well as my 1st season. Here are some pics from Bowling nights.
Hey Vegas Bowlers, bring it! We SPARE NO ONE
TEAM: Spare No One!

Vegas Bowling Season opener. My teammates.
My adorable teammates: Amanda and Scottie

Carpooling from bowling. Benchseat in the Pixel Rental car.
Carpooling & riding front in the Pixel's rental car. (Scottie and I usually ride with Amanda)

For Amanda: kissing those pull tabs for good luck!
We play pull tabs and take one when we get a spare or strike. 
More pull tab love for Amanda who couldn't make it.
Kiss for good luck before opening.

Scottie is sporting his great-grandfather's bowling shirt!!!!
Scottie's GREAT Grandfather's bowling shirt!


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