A low-key weekend in Seattle

It was a lazy weekend for me. I didn't do anything special so there is not much to write about. Friday night I went out with a few friends for happy hour at Fidos and then we had dinner and drinks at cyclops. I love that little bar and the fact that its so close to my apartment.

Tonight I had court side seats to the Sonics Basketball game. I am truly thankful that Wongdoody has season tickets and lets their employees sign up to go to a game an enjoy the free food and drinks. I took my friend Leanne because she is a great friend and now a co-worker.

Basketball use to be a big part of my life growing up. I don't follow it anymore nor have the desir to play but absolutely love going to the games, especially when we have good seats where I can see every play close-up. I wish I could have season tickets in one of the first 14 center rows. That woudl be sweet!

Cathy, videos should be fixed. Let me know if you can't get it to work.


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