If I could donate to everyone, I would.

How do we continue to donate to the causes we want to support without getting a trail of mail afterwards from every non-profit in the world?
The "2 strikes and your out" experiment
The amount of mail with stickers, cheesy return address labels and literature is dis-heartening. Especially from groups that I have never donated to or who keep sending the same things over and over again.
This past year I kept a separate pile of all the mail from organizations asking for donations. I am getting too much mail from the same organizations and want to get off their mailing list. I understand they need to reach out for funds but there has to be another way besides clogging our mailboxes.
After dinner last night, I made a list of all the organizations in the pile. If a group sent me more than 2 mailings, I sent them back their donation slip with the request to remove me from the mailing list. I did not donate anything but I made a note to myself to donate to some online.
the test:
1.) We'll see who keeps sending me mailings after I requested them to stop.
2.) For the groups I plan to donate to in 2008, I'm going to donate online and make sure they keep me off mailing list and not release my name to other orgs.