Holiday Express

My trip home to PA was well spent with family this holiday season. Sorry to all the friends I didn't get a chance to meet up with. For all I did get to see, I love you and so glad we got to spend time together. I'll post photos and videos soon!

It was a wonderful holiday with lots of gatherings at the Hossler household.
• Mom made a few delicious meals. Call the presses....Claire made SEVERAL YUMMY MEALS in the same week!
• My dad & I took part in my mom and Toni's annual Christmas Eve's midnight phone call where they do a shot of Amaretto.
• I made my folks proud by rocking out on the FAKE guitar for the video game "Rock Band" with Kyle on drums.
• Had many, many funny moments with Jake & Marissa.
• Along with myself...Kurt, his girlfriend Stacie and Ryan were all home in Philly which has not happened in years! So Mike had us all over so we could all catch up.
• Andy gave me his CD which is very nice and relaxing. Good job Andy....I'm still your #1 fan!
• New Years was a blast.
• Too many special moments but drawing a blank right now.

Cathy do not need to spoil me anymore!!! But thank you for your gifts. I am heading to the bookstore tonight after work with your certificate and to return my mis-printed/no ending Great Gadsby book!

It was hard not to shed a few tears knowing a few days later I would not get to hold Jake, converse with silly little Marissa, see Grandmom's smile or the many other things I miss about home. Its tough! (oh, can't forget WAWA. ha ha!) But I believe me being out here is where I need to be until my heart speaks otherwise. I'm so glad we have web cams to check in with each other. Plus its fun for Marissa to think I live in the computer!

I miss you guys however its good to be back in Seattle. When home in Levittown, I am so happy to be with family and good company but always feel something is missing when I'm there... as if some sort of energy escapes me and puts me in a funk for some unknown reason. I honestly can't explain it. Despite the weird funk, I cherish every moment spent with you guys and appreciative that no one gives a guilt trip about moving back because living far away is not easy but this is where I belong for the time being. I'm so thankful I have such a loving and supportive family.

Flight home went smoothly. I was very pleased with the customer service at the airport and Jersey Transit. Very helpful and pleasant despite the craziness of all the travelers. Got home at midnight and the next day had a low-key day at work. I walked the half mile home from work even though it was drizzling because I felt so alive and hopeful of an exciting new year.
Ok I wrote enough... maybe a new years resolution should be to write less and be more picturesque in my blogs.

Happy New Years everyone!


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