Super Yummy Cocktail party

Tanya and Claudio
Originally uploaded by ::: a i m e e :::
I was Katie's date for Mark and Tanya's cocktail party. They gathered a small group of their friends to enjoy an amazing array of delicious treats.

Tanya's best friend Sam selected some amazing appetizer recipes for a cocktail party. Her husband enjoyed all the test runs, in the weeks prior. Tanya and Mark requested people bring certain wines that pair up with a certain plate. Claire made two amazing cakes. I think my favorite was the fig with goat cheese topped with tangerine marmalade and also the arugula with a slide of beet and goat cheese. Y U M M Y!

Everything WAS AMAZING! It was a small group of their friends. Great conversations, laughter and a super fun dance party at the end!
Click here to see more photos!!!
Here are some from Tanya's camera.


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