I should be sleeping not video-watching.

I should be in bed.

I cannot believe I am wasting a post on such a person, but I thought this video was funny. Time for Britney to take a brake from showbiz and go off somewhere with here family to straighten her life out.

This was the real, sad performance she gave at the MTV Video Music Awards this past Sunday. Though I am not a fan of "pop" music, I have much respect to those artist (such as Justin Timberlake) who put on choreographed performances. Dance routines are not easy! However you can tell she put no effort into this act. I hope she takes a long time away from the spotlight to focus on her family and her health.

Speaking of dancing...though I'm not a fan of Justin Timberlake's music, he is very talented. But he has a chance to be part of my selective music collection for I am a fan of shave heads, funny personalities, classy sexiness, good beats and music that makes my hips start shaking before I realize it.
His great dance moves turn me back into a 10 yr, as if I was in love with Michael Jackson all over again. So I won't be surprised if I'll mature into liking his tunes as he matures.
Check out this performance...he comes in around 3minutes.... (I don't know who the other performers are. After 7+years with no cable... I have no clue whats going on in the MTV world.)

I should have given the lil' guy a chance to dance with me when he tried! At 14 years old, I wouldn't have anything to do with him... a sweater-vest super chipper 10yr-old trying to dance with me while taping the end of the MMC.


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