I heart art
I met up with some friends (Leanne, Howard, and Seth) to explore the Pioneer Square Art galleries for First Thursday and then later met up with Adriana and her friend for some drinks and dinner. It was a good evening since I am trying to get back into a creative zone/frame-of-mind.
My favorite artist of the evening was Ryan Molenkamp. I loved his artwork and the multi-level/multi-studio spot he was in. (Right on Western, just off Yesler.) It reminded me of the Philly studio lofts.
I was soooo tempted to purchase one of the following pieces from him. It is 3 blocks from work, so I might pop in there tomorrow...or maybe Monday. Click on image to get a bigger preview!

I was passing by a gallery and was attracted to the following artwork by Harold Hollingsworth called "Squaler." Unfortunately, we never made it in to bargain my 1st unborn for this painting. Somehow I came across the artist's postcard. I will keep an eye out for hopefully a more affordable version! This one would have been perfect, placed above my bed. Oh well.

Oh speaking of art, here is the print I bought at Flatstock last weekend by Justine Ashbee.

The above print will look nice matted and framed in my apartment.
Well its almost 11 and this chick is beat!
My favorite artist of the evening was Ryan Molenkamp. I loved his artwork and the multi-level/multi-studio spot he was in. (Right on Western, just off Yesler.) It reminded me of the Philly studio lofts.
I was soooo tempted to purchase one of the following pieces from him. It is 3 blocks from work, so I might pop in there tomorrow...or maybe Monday. Click on image to get a bigger preview!
12 Place, 2007 – Oil on Board 11"x10"

10 Place – Oil on Canvas 18"x30"

Places Sketch 7 – Mixed on Board 14"x11"

16 Place – Oil on Board 11"x14"

I was passing by a gallery and was attracted to the following artwork by Harold Hollingsworth called "Squaler." Unfortunately, we never made it in to bargain my 1st unborn for this painting. Somehow I came across the artist's postcard. I will keep an eye out for hopefully a more affordable version! This one would have been perfect, placed above my bed. Oh well.
Squaler, 2007 – Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 78"x66"
a Big beautiful $4500 painting! Gorgeous!!!!
a Big beautiful $4500 painting! Gorgeous!!!!

Oh speaking of art, here is the print I bought at Flatstock last weekend by Justine Ashbee.
this is insidious, 2006 – 18"x28"

The above print will look nice matted and framed in my apartment.
Well its almost 11 and this chick is beat!