Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba ba ba ba ba

This weekend was a lazy weekend.
Friday night I joined my two friends from work and a bunch of people for a happy hour at Fido's Irish pub. Best happy hour food I have had in a while!
However, I was hungover Saturday. I laid in bed and watched "Strangers with Candy" which was a funny, yet odd Comedy Central movie.
So Saturday was a day of procrastination.

Oh I did get to webchat with mom, dad, Jenna and Marissa. I think Marissa is understanding that I am interacting with her. I was kicked offline and several minutes later my mom called telling me to listen. Here Marissa was still sitting in front of the computer calling for me. How cute is that!!!!

Sunday I went to the Travel Expo to get info on Australia & New Zealand.
Plus I'm considering Hawaii, Disneyland, Thailand, and Alaska as places I want to go while living on the west coast.
I also want to visit Iceland, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Greece and a bunch of other places. Hmm how can I fit this all in?

I hopped the monorail down to the shopping district and did some shopping. Yep that was pretty much my weekend. Not exciting AT ALL!

Today I'll be going to work early, and meeting up with Darby for lunch to catch up. I'm glad we can still be friends. Its my last week on the "east side" so we won't be able to do lunch as often. I start Wongdoody on Thursday!


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