Its not just Bastille Day

On July 3rd, we had my grandma's funeral service in PA. Soon after, I came back to an apartment that I needed to start packing because I was in the process of moving all while knowing my grandpop would soon be passing and I would be traveling back to PA for his funeral. It was an extremely rough time for me. 

A year ago today, friends reminded me that a Bastille Day celebration was taking place at the Corson Building in Georgetown and that even if I wasn't in the spirit, I should go because its going to be a great time. The event was just what this stressed out, broken heart needed. That garden will forever be a special place to me for I spent a lot of time that evening not only enjoying friendship and the event, but also appreciating how lucky I was to have such amazing friends and family with great grandparents. My grandparents were fun people who loved music and social gatherings. So today I celebrate their lives in that magical garden. If you ever happen to go to the building for an event or one of Matt Dillon's dinners, spend some time in the garden, smelling the lavender. It's a good place for the heart.



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