It's the eve Bastille Day

the Corson BuildingBastille Day at the Corson BuildingBastille Day at the Corson BuildingJason WebleyJason WebleyAsa can palm Niko's head
Hoss and Megapixelwannabe frenchies for the dayAsa and AprilAerialist at duskAerialistAerialist
Aerialistarts & craftsgathering in the gardengames8:36 Megan was playing beer holder and just dropped one. OopsThe Benson boys. Kellianne is somewhere!
Buster, Niko, Josh, Asa and Megandancing in the gardenoopspapparazzi shotThis is how every Wednesday evening should be spent

2010.07.15 Bastille Day, a set on Flickr.

Its the eve of one of my favorite days. Not because its Bastille Day, the independence of France, BUT because I get to spend tomorrow afternoon and night inside my favorite garden in Seattle. I absolutely love the smells and ambiance of this magical spot where is one of the locations Bastille Day is celebrated in Seattle. I'm very excited. A car or two of me and friends are leaving work early to carpool down to the event.

Last year I got there after work and missed the chicken races that local chef Matt Dillon held. I am not missing anything this year. Excited!!!!

If I recall from our Gerritty-May family reunion 10 years ago or so, someone married a French woman AFTER they had a child outside of wedlock. I asked if this made us part French but my grandmom's feisty sisters said that it was nonsense and untrue THOUGH its in our genealogy. So tomorrow I celebrate the French mystery mistress who is hidden in our family roots.


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