8:36pm Post Vanishing of the Bees drink at Poquitos with Aimee, raising morale. , a photo by The_April on Flickr. I was craving the guacamole at the local restaurant Poquitos. This was April's 8:30. Prior, we went and saw a documentary called Vanishing Bees. A local food organization sponsored it. I grew up scared of bees. I didn't like them. They buzz around, get in my way and sting! EVIL!!!! No, not evil. Thanks to bees, we have the yummy fruits and veggies available. If bees disappear, we may have to rely on other countries for our produce. Thats sad & ridiculous! We need to step up! This documentary gave me a whole new found love for bees and making me be more strict on where I get the items I eat. The grocery store will always be the cheapest and most convenient but I don't know what is or isn't sprayed with pesticides. Whats REALLY sad and not mentioned in the documentary but you have all these big corporate farms (who wouldn't waste their time at local...