Rattlesnake Ridge

Rattlesnake Ridge by ::: a i m e e :::
Rattlesnake Ridge a photo by ::: a i m e e ::: on Flickr.
Fat Mouth Wolf Pack headed out into the woods again. This time, to Rattlesnake Ridge, out past North Bend.

We met for brunch at Cafe Presse (in my neighborhood)
Started hike at 12. 1.8 miles should have taken about 45 minutes. Due to snow, it took us about an hour and 15 minutes.
When we got to the top, we enjoyed drinking water and snacking on Fritos. There was a bunch of other hikers and dogs through out the adventure.
At 1:35pm we left top and got down to bottom 2:30.
Total roundtrip: 3.8miles
Very snowy and some parts were slippery so we took small, heavy steps and made it up and down fine. We lunched at North Bend Bar and Grill afterwards.

We are all coming up with wolf names.
My wolf name is: Little Wolf (or if you wanna get fancy "Petit Loup," in french)


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