Making things really happen

I don’t believe in diets. I believe in balance and happiness. When life is busy, its easy to get distracted and lose focus. You know how one will say I’m going to go to the gym more, or I’m going to put aside more time to read. We can all say things but the actual doing can be the tough part.

Whenever we set personal goals, we tend to break them. The primary reason is usually a lack of personal motivation. Health Month is an online platform designed by my inventive friend Buster, to help people stick to their goals by turning it into a social game.

A few examples: “limit Internet usage,” “eat more greens,” “limit fried food,” “read” and even "stretch." 

You can also create your own. As a non-ritual person, its helping me develop habits, try new routines and basically find balance. Unlike list that may never get checked off, I have a week to accomplish my goals. There is a fee when you set more than 3 goals. I have a lifetime membership and can sponsor a friend for a month or two if they want to try out more than 3 out for free. I love it. I know it sounds easy since I'm single and don't have the responsibilities of kids but I have a handful of friends who are parents and they feel very balanced using the site than not. It helps them as a family achieve goals together.

I learned one big thing... Be realistic with my expectations! Don't make a goal to workout 3 times a week when you don't workout or barely at all! Start out small... Its more likely to stick. And the more you accomplish, the more its okay to put something off once in a while. 

Since I have been extremely productive in making my goals, I upped March to TWELVE! Not that anyone really cares what my rules are, aside from me but thats a big deal. Like I said, I'm not a gal of routine so the daily check-ins help make things happen! Going forth, at the end of each month, I may dedicate a post to how I did that month.

March (Current)

  • Go to the gym at least 2 days a week (Upping this from 1 day a week)
  • Meditate for 10 minutes at least 3 days a week 
  • Do yoga at least 1 day a week (can be part of the gym rule) 
  • Stretch (before bed) for 3 minutes at least 2 days a week 
  • Do household chores at least 1 day a week (this has become a tough task when lots of my cleaning time is now spent cleaning the dishes. errrrr!) 
  • Sketch something at least 1 day a week 
  • Read a book for at least 15 minutes 3 days a week 
  • Write 1 page in a blog at least 1 day a week 
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep at least 6 nights a week 
  • Drink at least 35 glasses of water a week 
  • Take a multivitamin at least 2 days a week 
  • Floss every day


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