December was AMAZING

The month of December was amazing.
Full of good times and ending the month with being with family in PA.
Jake and Marissa get cuter by the day. I really enjoyed my time home with the family. I love my folks new apartment. Its the perfect space for them and I look forward to them having their "magic" tree outside and a firepit. Its going to be really cozy and a great place to come home to.

The one thing is hard is the fact that some family doesn't accept the fact that I love where I live and constantly hint around or question about moving back east. I love Seattle and not going anywhere. There is something therapeutic about seeing the mountains and the water, having the various smells in the air that are a lot fresher than any other city I have been in. I have to figure out a way for family to accept this and ways we can interact than just skyping.

I love home and it will always be home but Seattle feels right for me. Seattle and its people inspire me and there is a sense of it just feeling really good. If I lived in Philly I would be a pain in the ear for people, constantly complaining about how backwards things are or how people don't care enough about things. Here, I'm able to relax and have fun because though there will always be some close-minded people who don't care about making a place better, it feels like a healthier environment, especially for the mind. Plus I'm surrounded by amazing people who are a lot like me whether its our love for music, similar life values, goals, hobbies and interests. It just feels really good to be here right now and why change that if I'm happy.

I just need to figure out the right career and maybe it can be one where I'm able to not have to be at a desk and allow me to work on things no matter if I'm here or in Philly visiting family OR for schools/college where I have the summer off. I'll figure something out.

I told Darby when Seattle popped up for his job that I saw Seattle on MTV many, many years ago and thought it would be an amazing place to live. The lifestyle looks so relaxing and laid-back with lots of green spaces compared to the hustle & bustle of the congested east coast. I was the one who put that into his head and he jumped on an opportunity for us. Though I decided to not have a future with him, I don't want to "break-up" with this city. It feels too good to let go.

I hate not making my loved ones happy so there is a huge guilt over my shoulders that I choose to live here but I if I lived closer to my family, at the end of the day, I know I wouldn't be as happy as I am here. Its stressful trying to figure out a new career while trying to consider a position that would allow me to travel and make my family happy. I'm trying and searching but its hard. I'm starting to set up informational interviews with various people to see what their world is like. We'll see what happens but I just hope that even though one can miss a loved one, that at the end of the day, that person's happiness is what means the most. I miss my loved ones, but more importantly I want them to be happy and okay with my choice on being here.


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