1st week of June recap
Memorial weekend was super busy because of the fundraiser/fashion show that was to help raise funds for my neighborhoods 1st festival so this past week was all about relaxing....but still busy.
On Thursday, I finally got to attend one of Glenn's readings.
There is now a hardcover version of the book now. He has been getting a lot of praise from cancer survivors for finally putting a book out that's not simply about how someone is a survivor and how they beat cancer. He wrote the brutally honest truth of the things people go through and the relationships you build when going through chemo. Its not pretty and through his twisted humor, he wanted people to see and understand the dark side of the disease and how hope and happiness can still exist. You don't just get the disease, go away to deal with it and come back a survivor, there is a huge in between section that truly makes that person a survivor.
He said that people through the age of 15 to 50 are in this lost area of the medical world. So much emphasis is put on pediatric and the over 50 that the people in that age range aren't observed in the medical world as much and aren't taken as seriously. For 3 or 5 years he was told his re-occurring symptoms were nothing and all three doctors were wrong – cancer was growing in his body! ALWAYS GO WITH YOUR GUT AND IF SOMETHING DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT, GET A SECOND OPINION.
If he was diagnosed sooner, he would have gone through less of the pain if they caught it sooner. He said however, if it wasn't for the experience, he wouldn't be where he is today. He had to quit WONGDOODY to focus on two more books he promised his publisher. Real life shit like this is not meant to be entertaining or sugar-coated. His story is probably the most honest cancer story out there. You will feel sad, you will feel pain, you will want to hug Glenn in the hallway if you were like me, reading his book at night as if you are in his head. Word has it that there are talks of a movie deal.
I know its a dark book but for someone who thinks I have an occasional bad day, Glenn's story made me put my own life into perspective and now that there is always someone out there who is dealing with a lot more. I'm very proud of my former colleague.
Friday night, my buddy Scottie and I went to see "Meeting Monica Velour" starring Kim Catrell as a very worn-down ex-porn star. It was directed by my colleague's best friend Keith. It was funny, it was sad, it was a well done indie flick for his 1st full length feature and Kim Catrell did a fantastic job. They made her look rough and she pulled off the part well.
Saturdays Goal was to spend time in sunshine and hit up the Kurt Cobain and Andy Warhol Exhibits at the Seattle Art Museum. The Cobain exhibit was good but as a fan, I didn't walk away wowed by the exhibit.
One of my favorite pieces to take a little break in front of: Jackson Pollock's "Sea Change"
Then I spent some time hanging in Myrtle Edwards Park, which is another one of my favorite spots to take a break...
And then on Sunday, my only goal was to get ice cream and that was achieved.
