Health Month: Mid-month check in

So far this month I have lost 3.5 lbs and feel great! If you read my previous post, I've been in detoxification by not putting alcohol, caffeine and certain foods in my body. Sticking to the rules listed. I'm basically eating brown rice with cooked vegetables a lot! My body and mind feel great but man I miss some stuff.

The main thing I learned was that my morning routine for breakfast was bad and not giving me the energy I need to be at my best all day. Going forth, instead of my daily non-fat flavored latte and occasional bagel or english muffin, I will have tea and yogurt with granola for breakfast. This is what I have been having for breakfast and I feel better throughout the day starting with this instead of the latte. You think you need the caffeine but within one week, I have more MUCH energy. Plus I'm saving money!!! $3-4 a day!

I learned I have more discipline than I thought. There were several days where people put treats right near my desk and I didn't sneak one bite! There was a day or two where I had bad cravings but I got busy with a task and ate fruit to kill time and keep my mind off the craving.

I decided to get a dietary supplement w/Ginkgo Biloba as my memory has been getting worse and I have become more and more easily distracted. I'm hoping that this and getting back into a consistent yoga practice and/or workout routine will not only help my health but state of mind. Not sure if supplements like this work but we'll see.

Ginkgo has been used to improve blood flow to the brain. This may help to improve memory, concentration, and mood; and help to reduce anxiety and stress, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and headache. Ginkgo has also been used to increase circulation to the limbs and in the treatment of asthma.

Tomorrow is my amnesty day, where its the one day I can break some rules. I'm gonna enjoy bacon, some butter on my wheat toast and some drinks because we have off tomorrow from work. Yayyy!!!


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