My mini-tour with the Dead Weather...and Ryan 08.19.09-08.23.09

Whenever Ryan comes to the Northwest, I try my best to meet up with him. Im SOOOO LUCKY that he has worked for some of my favorite musicians...Beck, Sigur Ros, Arcade Fire, Jack White's Racontuers and now Jack's new band the Dead Weather. Jack IS my favorite guitarist. Though he mostly plays drums in his most recent band, the sound is bluesy, dark and is full of attitude and sexiness.

Wednesday, August 19th, after dropping off my scooter, my "rock n roll band camp" begun. I met Ryan and fellow stage tech Chris for dinner at Ruth Chris Steak House. The boys insisted on treating me. We then ended up seeing a free show at the showbox.

Thursday I met up with my friend and fellow Jack White fan, Chris Jones. Similar to how everyone calls Cathy Beagle by her full name, its the same for Chris Jones. I'm on of the few friends who doesn't always say his full name and he thinks its weird. The Seattle show was amazing and afterwards Jack White approached Chris, telling he he loved his pants. Chris is a fashion designer so he was very happy to tell Jack, "thanks, I designed them." Afterwards we hung out in the dressing room mingling with the band, crew and other guest. My friend Paco invited us for a free round of drinks at the bar he was working at so I gathered a few of the techs and the tour manager to go out for drinks.

Friday I got on a train to meet them in Vancouver. Met the guys at the venue, saw sound check and then walked around town until it was time for Ryan and Chris to set up for the set.

Here is a photo set that someone posted on flickr. He didn a great job capturing their energy. There is one of Ryan. See if you can guess which one it is..

Videos of the DW and why I love them

After spending 4 nights and two days around these guys, I'm still seeing them around Seattle - on a few bus banners.
bus ad for the band


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