check out the recent post

Just a quick check in. I should be asleep!
8:36 sleepy, just got done catching up on True Blood

Check out below. I finally posted my "Mini-tour adventure"
2 weekends ago was motorcycle class, 1 week ago was my mini-tour so this past I stayed local and laid low.

Friday and Saturday night I had two farewell parties to go to for two coworkers of mine that were laid off and decided to move. Sunday I spent a few hours riding my scooter and uploading photos at the coffee shop before having a fancy dinner at Taco Bell with my buddy Paco. It was such a nice evening we decided to go up in the Space Needle. I have a annual pass since they had a special anniversary rate $35 for the year when I think its around $17 or $22 to get up there! So now I can go up randomly when me and a friend are bored.

This week has been busy. Last night was another farewell gathering. Another co-worker is leaving BUT transferring to the WONGDOODY Los Angeles office. My team worked until 8 tonight and then I used zipcar to go to a friend's house to pick up my Ikea kitchen table they have been storing for me. I'm gonna sell it. In route back from their house at 10, I got a message that a morning meeting got moved up to 9am from 10am. There are materials my team is still preparing for it SOOOOO I'm going into the office at 7:30am tomorrow. Off to sleep for me.

But don't forget to check out my previous post. Definitely more exciting than this week.


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