my 8:36's and long work days

I know I'm slacking again!!! Dinner is in the over so I have time to write. I like baking more than cooking on the stovetop because I can multi-task.
Ok update...
Loving the scooter.
Was featured in the local paper's online music section
(check out photos below by Matt Hickey)
Saw two reunion shows of two bands I love last week.

We had a company outing to a Mariners game BUT a quarter of the office, including me, was stuck working. By the time I left the office, the game was running major overtime into a 13th inning so I decided to meet everyone in the suite. Unfortunately the room was already cleaned up with no food but I managed to split the last beer with a co-worker. After the Mariners won, we went to a nearby bar to wish our one friend/former co-worker Janelle a farewell. She was starting her roadtrip back to MN the next day. So it really sucked my crew at work missed out on the afternoon outing but its the business.
It's 6:50pm/13th inning and I just made it to the 3pm company outing

The photo below is of my co-worker Monkey (creative director), Jan (office manager) and Janelle (was a copywriter) and always reminded me of Jenna.
8:36 Hanging with WONGDOODY-ites
Emerald City Soul Club was amazing again. Its a group of guy who collect 45's of soul and once a month play their favorites. 3 rooms with the guys rotating from each room. So much fun! I rode my scooter for the 1st time at night that night and after a night of sweating on the dance floor, the short ride home in the nice breeze felt AMAZING!

1.) me and my scooter "Pepe, the skunk"

2.) (L-R) Asa, Samantha, Buster, me and Josh, with Andy Pixel laying across us but Scottie about to sit on him

3.) Josh, me, Buster, Carinna and Ingo near the coat check.

4.) Buster kept joking with me all night to "do this, do that" and I told him to get in the sink and he did!
Buster = fun

We were all goofballs that night and I didn't even drink! Good times.

Went to the annual Black Eyed Burlesque that my friend Jessica produces and to her audience and performer's surprise...she performed.
Jess Aka Jo Jo Stilleto) has been through A LOT in the last yeah and a half. She hurt her knee and feels she's gained too much weight to participate in the sport and weekly practices so she retired from the league. Jo Jo loves the spotlight. Loves it and now what? So she continued producing the annual burlesque realizing she can help them with events like that. I didn't realize how hard it was for her to stay behind the curtain and out of the spotlight for this long and after trying to convince the gals performing that they can shine, she decided to show them that even she can overcome her insecurities. Her routine had skates on a table and an empty coat rack. She came out in her routine looking fierce in her uniform. So fierce and so confident that I teared up. It hit me at the moment how much she has changed and how she wants the old Jo Jo back. Through all of this, I think fierce confident Jo Jo went somewhere and that night she was back in full force! The crowd went ABSOLUTElY NUTS over the surprise performer. Our friend Geoff, the one I dress up as Snow White for, surprised everyone at the after party when he too performed...with tear-away pants!!! He took the mic to say he was no longer going to shoot photos at the derby bouts and when he went to grab a list of people he wanted to thank, he tore his pants off and music started playing. My friend Lorien made him tear-away pants and then hand sewn onto black boxer briefs "focus on this." The "focus on this" undies ended up being auctioned off for $105...HIS IDEA! haha Geoff was left in his briefs that his girlfriend wisely suggested he wear under his "costume."
This is a photo from when Jessica's team won the championship 3 years ago. The very 1st game I attended. She is the farthest on the left.
The Year of the Wench!
Oh and here is Geoff shocking all of us!
Geoff surprises us all!!! Geoff what are you doing????

What else.... just working later than normal. Getting over a sore throat that has now turned into a head cold. I highly recommend "yogi" teas. $5 may seem like a lot for a box of tea but you get 16 servings. That 31cents to feeling better! Right now I'm sipping "throat comfort" from their Cold Season Sampler. I got the sampler since it covers other symptoms and I love their Rest & Relax Sampler. That box is great for the evening & bedtime!!!!

Today I really wanted to make dinner tonight. It sucks that I got out of work at 7:30 because my dinner thats in the oven will probably be ready at 9:40. Yikes!!! UPDATE. Its done and cooling. Looks delicious but I'll probably only have a few bites and have the rest for lunch and dinner tomorrow. (well a few nights based on the amount I made!)


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