out n about

This week has been a busy one!!!!! Along with work, I have had some interesting social events.
Monday Ryan was in town touring with Jack White's band the Raconteurs. Him and his fellow crew members wore a "uniform."(SEE PHOTO) I never saw Ryan so dressed up. He looked sharp! I'll post a photo soon!
That night reminded me that I am a lucky person. I don't know how things turn out the way they do but I am fortunate to have the experience and situations that have allowed me to meet some amazing people. (especially musicians who top my list) This week, Ryan introduced me to Jack White and Jack was oddly curious of my life in Seattle vs. Philly. I always thought he would be a dick but I was completely wrong! He was so sweet that by the time our conversation ended, I was totally smitten. Super nice guy. I always loved his bluesy, southern rock style but seeing him rock out on the guitar blew my mind! He will be a legend. His two bands are doing great, he did an album with Loretta Lynn and even did a movie cameo as Elvis. The man is gifted and Ryan has been very lucky to work with such talented people. After the show, my friend Jessica and I hung out with Ryan for a little before he got on the bus and I went home for the little sleep time allowed.
Last night I attended "Cause for Drinks" a monthly charity event that $2 from every drink goes to a selected non-profit organization. It was a good time. I was home and in bed by 11:30. Not bad as thats my normal bed time. Tonight my apartment needs my love and attention.
Tomorrow night is my friend's "Wig and Wine" party. I have a couple wigs so this should be fun!