I wasn't allowed to say "Hate"

I've been super busy so unfortunately I haven't had time to write much.
Below are a few commercials my company created that is tied to the Dalai Lama event taking place this weekend in Seattle. Hopefully this cause becomes nationwide and not just a Seattle mission. Check out the videos... I'm proud my company can be tied to this...

With everything my goddaughter Kaitlyn has to deal with at school with her peers, this cause hits very close to home for me and that's why I am volunteering for the event this weekend.

Like Kaitlyn, I was hassled by girls at school. (luckily I only experienced it in elementary school.) I didn't realize until many years later that rather than talking to someone about tormenting, I took my frustrations out on my sister and cousins and that is why I was such a brat to them when we were younger. The unkindness from the mean girls at school spread to how I treated my loved ones. My mom never let me say I "hate" something and I strongly believe that if there is any goodness in me towards others, its due to the love and open-mindness my parents instilled in me.

If we can teach kids compassion during the most crucial developmental stages of their lives, we are planting seeds for a better future not only for our children but for the planet. So I strongly believe in this organization and am happy to help where they need me this weekend.

You can watch the Dalai Lama event online, via the webcast.

Completely unrelated: I'm glad there was nothing interesting on TV tonight besides the Amer. Idol Fundraiser because it reminded me that Brad Pitt is even more georgeous with a shaved head. Woo! Its a shame David Beckham didn't make an appearance. Oh well.


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