What a week!

A short week but a crazy one. I had maps to work on. (as some know is a responsibility of mine at my job) One after another things were screwed up and not going as smoothly as previous rounds. Late nights and long hours staring at maps. But its all better now because the issues were fixed, I got what I needed to get done, and was out of there to begin the thanksgiving holiday.

Since I have some time to kill before my physical therapy appointment on mercer island, I met up with a few co-workers for some drinks near work.

I was going to go out tonight but after eating dinner I decided to have another low-key night. I watched a little of the Madonna concert on TV. Something is wrong with this world when you have Madonna on primetime tv with her dancers in dominatrix gear. I always liked Madonna but since when is she suitable for primetime television?
As she wore the thorns on her head, singing "Live to Tell" and photos of children in Africa were flashing on the screen I decided I needed to get out and get a coffee.

I sit here at Uptown and this loud mouth lady has been filling her friend in on her life for the past hour. The entire place can hear her business. Rude!

Tomorrow, I am spending the day doing a bunch of things with my friend Leanne. We are both out-of-towners and are keeping each other company. We decided to skip cooking and eat somewhere, hit a movie and go drinking. Since we live a few blocks away, I'll walk on over whenever I get my act together tomorrow.

It was either this or join my buddy Wayne and his friends at a cabin for two nights. That would have been really awesome but I thought staying local & keeping Leanne company would be nice. Hmmm, adorable Irish guy (adorable but taken) with his friends or staying home??? Am I stupid? I'm kidding. I'm sure Leanne and I will have fun tomorrow. Speaking of the devil, she just walked in.

a few hours later....
After the coffee shop closed Leanne and I thought we'd bring our laptops to Belltown Pizza which is a few blocks away and open until 2. Well 4 or 5 stellas later and geeking out with our laptops as other bar-goers partied, I woke up with a slight hangover. Horrible dreams last night too! Sometimes I feel like I haven't slept at all when I wake up realizing all the different restless dreams I had. Regardless today is a holiday and I have no work to do, no important plans beside playing it by ear with a friend. (who as well is probably hungover as well) Having no plans is wonderful!


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