Boston is the fall

Last weekend I had quick jump across the country to Boston for Carrie & Michael's wedding.
I left early friday morning in the dark rain, making it to Boston by 5pm. Boston was warm and sunny!

I rented a car and headed to Southie. Carrie and Michael's place is cute and in a great location. Only two blocks from the beach. We all realized none of us have had a simple night just sitting on the sofa so thats what we did. It was great to just relax with good company. Carrie's cousin Steph and I were entertained by watching Carrie and Michael work on the seating chart for the wedding. Carrie wanted to done and Michael wanted to make sure each table of people got along and would blend well together. Both had good reasonings but it was funny to watch them work it out. Oldy enough, the majority of guest stayed up at the bar all night! ha ha

Saturday morning I drove to New Hampshire to see Jenna & Marissa at her friend Lindsay's house. Marissa is ADORABLE! I have NEVER had a toddler correctly pronounce my name, let alone a 16-month old until that day. She can also say her body parts....the cutest one is "elbow."

Jenna looks greatly and her pregnancy seems to be going smooth. I wanted to take Marissa home with me. She was so funny and definitely has Jenna's personality. Such a little goofball!

At 3:30 I headed back to Boston for the wedding reception. (They got married a few weeks back in Disney with family). I was making great time until I didn't know what exit to take for south boston and I ended up lost in the city for 40minutes. Since I have spent a lot of time up there and lived there one summer there is a lot I am familar with so as I drove around, I knew EXACTLY where I was but couldn't figure out how the hell to get from one familar point to another! And this was in the middle of tourist area so I sat at a million traffic lights until I gave up and called the bride for directions.

The wedding was a blast! The Kline crew and friends, including I danced up a storm as the boston and Ireland peeps stayed near the bar. Michael danced the entire night. My new nickname for him is "happy feet" and him & Tricia kline were the dueling banjos on the dancefloor. They were hysterical! I love the Kline crew. Its always a goodtime if they are in the room. Poor Brian was hurting the next day.

Carrie looked beautiful. I sat with the Sloanes (Carrie's ex-inlaws whom she is still close to), Great fun family. I know some may think its weird she invited her ex's folks but Pat and Christy are amazing people & have been so good to Carrie, especially through the seperation which I know was really had for her. They were there for her through it all and still love her. I have much respect for them, and they should not take any blam for their son's ways or actions.

Sunday it rained and rained. It was actually perfect because I was beat and happy to lay around and spend time with Carrie and Michael before the flight at 3. Flight went well and I was back in rainy Seattle at 10pm. I left when it was dark and rainy and returned to the same thing.


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