My parents came to visit

US @ Chateau Ste. Michelle
Originally uploaded by aimeehossler.

My folks came to Seattle to visit me. Even though it rained THE ENTIRE TIME THEY WERE HERE, we had fun and did a lot of cool things.

- Saw the BODIES exhibit which was interesting.

- Saw Little Miss Sunshine (2nd time for me)

- Saw a Supersonics basketball game against the LA Clippers (evil Coby Bryant)

- Went to Chateau Ste. Michelle & Columbia Wineries.

- Ate at Two Bells Tavern, Cheesecake Factory, Jak's, Paddy Coynes, and Murphy's.

It was a great time. Now I'm off to Boston. I should have been asleep HOURS ago. Click on the winery image to see more photos!


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