Which would you choose?

Its Saturday night and where would you choose to be?
a.) A night venturing to various halloween party with friends
b.) doing work at your favorite coffee shop
c.) going to see a movie

Since parties don't come up that often I originally chose "a" but at 3:30 today I felt like it was a good night to chill out and "b", do some work at my favorite coffee shop. Some may think that was lame but I'm on a creative role and need to get some work done for the magizine I freelance for. (www.pureEonline.com)

Seems like I'm not the only one choosing "b" for the coffee shop has various patrons plugging away at their computers or hidden behind books.

My friend Leanne was home working a few blocks away so I convinced her to come work here at the coffee shop.

We worked a little, talked a lot and then ended up watching "the Philadelphia Story" in my buildings little movie theatre.

We were dissapointed for we always heard other movies mentioning this film. We got it confused with whatever classic film Kathryn Hepburn gets hurt & can't walk to meet someone somewhere to tell a man she loves him or something like that. So when "The End" appeared on the screen, we were both sooo confused!

For as social as people know me to be, I honestly love these types of nights.
We saw several people dressed up in costumes and I was content just being me tonight.


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