Snowapacolypse 2012

We had snow. Lots of it and it was great. Unlike living back east, it was never bitter cold or windy. I had one snow day and then went to work the other two days to an office that was super quiet and not bustling like normal. It rained all weekend so the snow is gone.

This week I'm busy planning everything for my 35th birthday party that is being held this upcoming Saturday. I know its a week early but I wanted the people I adore in Seattle to have a great night so I'm inviting them to my favorite dance night called Talcum. Several DJs (and fellow scooter buddies of mine) collect rare soul on 45's. I am using a spare room at the venue that will allow my guest plenty of room to sit and mingle when they aren't on the dance floor.

I'll post pictures for sure! Tonight I'm grabbing a zipcar to head to a party store to get some supplies to decor this party room. I love helping at such events but I do not like all this planning.

Here is a cool video someone shot of a popular hill in my neighborhood where people like to sled on when it snows. The street is always closed off during freezing temperatures.

Denny Hill . Capitol Hill . Seattle . 2012 from randall statler on Vimeo.


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