Meteor showers were worth the drive out into the darkness

This year's Perseid meteor shower peaks on the night of Aug. 12-13, and it promises to be one of the best displays of the year. If forecasters are correct, the shower should produce a peak display of at least 80 meteors per hour. A waxing crescent moon will set before the shower becomes active, setting a perfect stage for meteor watching -- weather permitting, of course!

I reserved a zipcar & me and Chris (all friends call him Chrispy) headed out on I-90 in search for a dark spot to watch the show.

We drove about 35 minutes out to a hick town called Fall City and drove into Carnation where we found a park with a camping area. As we entered, we noticed a bunch of cars parked in an open parking lot so we joined in. For at least 2 hours we laid on a blank and watch little stars and a few big ones fly across the sky. Cars would come and go as some people obviously didn't have the isn't like fireworks I guess but I think this was way cooler than any fireworks display because no one has control over this amazing site and every little move was a little surprise. Eventually a very loud 4-wheeler came out way and told us the front gate had been locked and we can either stay the night at the camp or he'll open the gate to let us all out. Whoops. Didn't know we actually entered the camp grounds as it looks like we were in a park on the edge of the grounds.
I dropped Chrispy off around 1 and hurried home to bed. It was a magical, star-filled show that I want to watch again tonight!

Here is a photo but it does not do justice to how pretty it was last night.


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