Scooters galore
Last weekend was GREAT! Not only was it Halloween at McLeod and scaring people at work, it was also The Los Gatos Gordos Scooter club Rally.
Saturday I rode 7.5 miles with Brian and Paco up to Kona Kitchen to meet other riders for breakfast.

Kona Kitchen is owned by this dude, from Karate Kid II. He was the bad guy.
Kona Kitchen is owned by this dude, from Karate Kid II. He was the bad guy.
It was amazing weather to ride. Though I was hungover from too much champagne at McLeod the night before, the guys convinced me into taking part in the race — the Taco Time Trial Race. I stuck with Paco most the trip since I didn't care to actually race and his scooter kept stalling.
The Race goes like this.... Get an address to a Taco Truck, ride there, eat a free taco and get an address to the next spot. I actually didn't eat any Tacos because I was more interested in gulping down watering before racing to the next stop.
I rode about 12 miles with Paco before we got to our neighborhood and he decided to call it quits to get ready for work.
Since it was a gorgeous day out, I decided to continue to the next stop. BUT I had the wrong address. I ended up at a Taco Time (like a taco bell) and texted two of the guys to find out the correct address. Another scooterist joined me as he was also lost. After I got the address to the next location, the other scooterist decided to call it quits so I continued my way to meet up with everyone else. I ended up getting the LOST TACO Award!!! Who knew getting lost could make you a winner. My bike got over 38miles that day.
The next day, Brandon and Ryan worked on Paco's scooter in my garage in hopes he wouldn't have to skip out on the huge rally ride. Once the scooter was fixed we met up with a large group for the Cemetery Ride.
There were so many scooters, I couldn't get just one shot with all of them.

That day I think I got at least another 40miles on the bike.We were ALLLLL over that day, starting with about 50 scooters, with the number fading as the day got colder. My favorite spot was visiting Bruce and Brandon Lee's graves in Capitol Hill. The view of the lake was really pretty with all the fall foliage.

Our last stop was to a cemetery that had a local scooterist who recently passed from health complications. Brandon placed an open beer and a candle at the grave of their friend. It was really fun to take part in this weekend event and it ended on a sweet note. It was a great group of people ranging from the ages of early twenties to mid-sixites. I guess my scooter was the first Symba to ride in a local rally because a lot of people were asking me about the adorable little bike.
Our last stop was to a cemetery that had a local scooterist who recently passed from health complications. Brandon placed an open beer and a candle at the grave of their friend. It was really fun to take part in this weekend event and it ended on a sweet note. It was a great group of people ranging from the ages of early twenties to mid-sixites. I guess my scooter was the first Symba to ride in a local rally because a lot of people were asking me about the adorable little bike.
Bleow is the entire slideshow from the weekend.