Low-key weekend
This weekend has been SUPER low-key. The weather made me want to just stay warm and be productive and productive it was.

Friday I worked late and ended up missing an art opening that I really wanted to go to. Once I left work, knowing I missed the art show event, I wasn't in the mood to start hunting people down to see what they were up to so I headed home and caught up on some reading.
Saturday and Sunday I got a lot of things accomplished such as finally finishing the mending of my friend Chris's two jackets. Chris is a fashion designer yet doesn't sew himself. WHAT!!!!! He designs/concepts and is great at picking patterns and colors but outsources the actual work. This is his company, Like a Rockstar. He asked me to mend two old jackets for his own wardrobe. The armpits were completely ripped, probably from too much dancing and debauchery. The jackets had lining so not only did I want to fix the arm rips, I want to fix the lining and rips in the old jackets.
The jackets...
Chris bartends during brunch at a local bar so I dropped off the jackets and had a yummy brunch before tending to Typography homework.
Sometimes on Saturdays, if I know Paco is working the afternoon shift at the local bar, Rendezvous, I'll go in for burger and fries. My new goal is everytime I go in, we whip up a new St. Germaine drink. I love this liquor and want to expand my drink options. Its made with fresh elderberry and is delicious.
This was St. Germain with Champagne and a dash of club soda.
Not sure how pathetic this sounds but to me this is pretty exciting....this weekend I got bangs!