I Causused for the 1st Time.

I went to my first caucus on Saturday. It was insanely crowded and hot but the vibe was positive. It was actually touching when we all did the Pledge of Alegance, giving me hope for a better America once Bush is out of office. I won't bore you with what went down but it was more interesting than I thought.
I will be REALLY happy if Obama or Hillary become president but my gut would like to see Hillary as our president. I know by the amount of people who are head over heels for Obama that he will be the democrat's canidate but she was a great 1st lady, a strong senator and I want to see how far she can go while leading this country.
I realy ike Obama but this is why I stand behind H-Dawg (ha ha south park named her that!)
– More experience.
– She is known on a 1st name basis with world leaders and respected among them.
– She has won over Republicans on various senate topics so I can see her being a good unifier.
– Obama's main message is "Change"...that's great but tha',s not a strong enough message for me because what canidate doesn't want that, what US Citizen doesn't want that?
– Politics is an ugly business...As someone who volunteers and is around alot of "do-gooders," his actions are great, his speaches are VERY inpirational and touching but that well-intentioned personality and inspiration can only go so far. He has great writers... but life and crisis isn't scripted. I'm afraid he's not as powerful as Hilary for that ugly business.
-Hilary may seem too business-like and cold-hearted but as a female professional who looks younger than I am, I know how hard it is be treated equally and taken seriously among powerful men...especially with ass-hole business men (or in her case, politicians). I worked for a manufacturing company for 4-years with most of the management being men...power-thriving, a"ss-kissing their way up the ladder" men. I COMPLETELY approve of her confident, professional attitude since she has to work with some of the most power-hungry, pompous personalities in politics. You go girl!
So thats why I am proud to stand behind my gut feelings for Hillary as president. My gut also says Obama will be our canidate and the day he becomes president will be an amazing day for all of us. I only hope he really does make changes for the better and he stands behind those inspirational words.
I really like Obama but I think our country needs a mom who means business to help to make our country stronger, and unify us with other countries.
It was sentimental to know my vote & voice really meant something Saturday as an American Citizen. I have hope for our country.