Thanksgiving in Portland

Record player
Originally uploaded by ::: a i m e e :::
As I write this, I am watching the famous shower scene from Psycho. AMC is having a marathon of Hitchcock flicks. Why a marathon on thanksgiving? Weird eh?

This year I wanted to volunteer for Thanksgiving but most places wanted more of a commitment than just the one day. So I scrapped the idea, at least for this year.

As most of you know, I took the train down to Portland. To my surprise as I sat on the train reading the Great Gadsby, my Aquent agent who got me the position at T-Mobile was sitting in my train cabin, just 2 seats away. Crazy coincidence: her last name is Gadsby. How weird is that! So we chatted for a while and then I slept.

My hotel is A M A Z I N G! Simple yet eclectic with sooooo much personality! The lobby and business area resemble a library with card catalogs and cozy places to sit. My room has a turntable and records. Its huge!

I reserved a smaller room that you use a "shared" shower down the hall. Its really not weird. The hotel rooms have toilets and sinks so its not like you have to go down the hall every time you have to go, just when you have to shower. Its a private shower room so its like going down the hallway at a house. A lot of boutique hotels are using this European option so they can offer really cool rooms at a great price in a downtown hotel. But.... my reservation was screwed up so they upgraded me. This room is bigger than my studio with a full bathroom, sectional sofa, huge flat screen TV and turntables (record player). Click here to see a slide show!

After talking on the web cam with the family I went to see "Lars and the Real Girl" with a friend. Really cute, feel good movie about a guy who is disillusional and dates a life-size doll and how the community tries to help him deal with the illness. Click here to view the Trailer.

When I got back to the hotel, I put Sinatra's album "Strangers in the Night" on the record player and took a bath in the claw foot tub. The day flew by, but I didn't get to Portland until 4-ish so the biggest part of my trip is tomorrow.

Day 2:
Its tax-free here, so I went shopping. Not necessaru\ily to buy stuff but to be design inpired, similar to my SF trip - I want to check out the small boutiques, paper/stationary shops here.

I went to the Contemporary Craft museum and then met up with Brian, a guy I went to ESU with. We had a few beers and he showed me one of the prime views from one of the Portland high-rises. Its nice meeting up with other Pennsy people out here. I was back in Seattle by 10pm.

The rest of the weekend was EXTREMEMLY unproductive. I did go to a craft show with Katie and we bought some T-Shirts by the artist who made that "Hurt-Bot" shirt. He has funny stories behind the artwork and ink and shirts are organic. Super soft shirts, by a talented guy so its worth every penny to support his passion.


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