I broke up with French Fries

Yes, its true. I broke up with French Fries. Since I was little, french fries were my weakness, my favorite food. As a child until my late twenties, I had fries at least once a week. Things have changed, me and fries...we grew apart. In the last few weeks I noticed I feel LIKE crap after eating french fries!
Since I have moved out west, fast food is not as accessible. Sure its here, but not on every corner or in every shopping area.I'll have fries occasionally but since its not in my face, I choose other things.
Today a few friends from work and I went to Ivars, the popular Seafood staple across the street from our office. I had fries with my meal. I FELT LIKE CRAP afterwards! When I have fast food or french fries now...I can REALLY feel the difference in my body. Walking home from work on days where I ate crap...my walk feels heavier and I have less energy. Today I felt really lazy walking home. So sorry fries but the close relationship we had is over. I prefer to have a fresh, healthy meal than french fries. Did Aimee just say that? Hell yeah!! My body thanks me.