Me vs. My Cold

On Monday, the cold that was slowly making its way into my system was taking over. We had so much going on at work. Everyone was swamped, so I said to my enemy "Cold, you can't take me down now...I'm gonna sweat it out!" And I did. I felt like crap most the day Monday and today but I plugged away and focused on the projects. Today was definitely an improvement. I'm feeling better little by little.

We worked late last night so when I got off work today I went and grabbed some medicine to help fight this monster. I don't know about you, but I don't often get sick. When I went into my bathroom cabinet Sunday to take some meds, my cold medicine was expired. I opted not to go to dance class since I felt like crap and decided to catch up on laundry. Exciting stuff let me tell ya. Tomorrow night...Atomic Bombshells and hopefully a congested-free Hossler!


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