Life is a bouncy castle.

I had a busy weekend! Friday I came home to everything covered in plastic and my apartment smelling of paint fumes. They had resurfaced my tub. I was aware I could not use the shower for 48 hours but what about sleeping in the apartment with the fumes and everything wrapped up as if it was a scene from E.T. when they made the house a science lab? I was completely confused as no letter or instructions were left.

A friend suggested facing the fan towards the window. When I came back a few hours later, it worked great!

My awesome friend Katie let me shower whenever I needed to over the weekend. She also dragged me out of the house knowing my weekend went to shit.

On a sucky note, I am absolutely miserable right now. I have come down with a nasty head cold. I've been fighting it and its winning. Plus what really sucked about this weekend... I can no longer hang around someone who means the world to me. What, Why? That doesn't make sense right? I wasn't going to write about it, but I need to vent somehow.

He has been an person in my life for the past few years, that has done so much for me physically and mentally and the bond we had was truly something special.

Without me ever having to ask, he was always there for me. Whether it was helping me sell my car, re-arranging my apartment, insisting I keep the mace he bought me for my late nights on the town, finding a million ways to entertain me & make me laugh or making me feel better about who I am and who I have become. I loved doing things to make him laugh. We were absolute goof-balls together and he brought out a side of me I thought I lost.

There was something VERY different about our friendship compared to my best-buds back home. It took me a while to realize it. There was an attraction. So why not let something happen? He has a girlfriend that he has been with for several years.

Several months ago, he had invited me away with all their friends for a weekend. We were just friends so why not go? I didn't go because it hit me...if I was his girlfriend, I would be concerned about how much fun my guy has with that girl. So out of respect to her, I did not go and kept my distance from any outings so she didn't see how much fun we have. A woman knows.

Months passed on and it became obvious we can't just be friends. We mentally became attached to each other. It would be odd if I went a day without hearing from him and vise versa. But now, our close friendship is jeopardizing his relationship with his girlfriend. I'd be lying if I said I didn't fall for him. I did. We have an amazing connection and get along so well. But when he is sending me text messages at 1am asking me how my night is going, his girlfriend has every right to be pissed.

Saturday we had a long talk and agreed we can't hang out anymore if he wants to stay with her. It sucks!

Why not just stay friends? I love his friends. We have similar taste in music and their crowd reminds me of my buddies back home. But what kind of friendship is it, when I can't be around because his girlfriend might think something. Thats not an honest friendship. Plus how can I be around them knowing he chooses to stay with her, despite being attracted to me.

In a perfect world, he would take a break from his relationship to figure his stuff out. Realize that if he was truly in love, he wouldn't have feelings or thoughts for someone else. But who am I to judge. He believes he has it figured out and I respect him for that. Besides, why would he take a chance with me and lose everything he built in the last 7 years with her? He let me go. He chose her.

I just have to keep a positive frame of mind. There is so much going on in this world and much bigger problems than mine. I have everything going for me and nothing to lose. I love where I live and love my job. I have an amazing & supportive family and group of friends - near and far. I just have to keep busy and keep him out of my mind. I will miss his silliness and much more but life goes on.

On a happy note I went to two fun gatherings this weekend. The McCain's "Rock out With your Crock Pot Out" Party. Matt McCain hired a high school band to play the party. The band kids was like 16 years old, the drummer had his shirt off and their girlfriends were there. The McCain's had a huge bouncy house thing for the kids and there was tons of food and beer. It was a good time with good company. Just what I needed after a shitty day!

Sunday my day started with being on the webcam with the family. A great way to start the day! Marissa and Jake are getting so big. My grandparents looked great! A few hours later, still not able to shower in my own bathroom, I ventured over to Katie's, took a shower and went to see Superbad. A funny movie about two geeky high school boys. Afterwards we went to our friend Lara's Pie Party. Once a year, Lara goes pie crazy in her kitchen, baking a large amount of pies for her friends to enjoy. Everything I tasted was yummy! The perfect comfort food for a sucky weekend. As long as I keep busy...I'll be fine!

This week is jammed pack with stuff. Dinner with friends, dance class, The Atomic Bombshells show at the Triple Door with a bunch of gals from work. My friend Tony at work bought Air-Guitar nation for the office so one night after work we are hoping to get a bunch of people to show off their skills! I never played it but its definitely something to up the fun-meter at the office.


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