Summertime in Seattle!

Its a gorgeous day out in Seattle. About 75degrees and sunny. Lots of boats are out on the water. (Don't these people have to work!)

I got to work at 10 today after a bad night's sleep. I had a nasty headache last night. If a headache goes anywhere near the nerves in the back of neck (that I injured twice)... I get nasty headaches and even migraines. I ended up cancelling plans and being on the sofa all night. Today I feel much better and need toremind myself to do all my physical therapy excerices to make my neck stronger.

On a happy note... we were a little slow at work and people were emailing funny videos.
Here are a few funny videos:

Oh and I got a little surprise today...

Jenna sent me a cute picture via cell phone. Its small since its from the phone, but its cute and I wanted to share!


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