My 30th birthday!

Had the best 30th birthday ever.
My friend Katie and I were part of Pin-Up University. We spent one day in class all day at a photography studio learning the tricks of the trade of old fashion pin-ups. Then Sunday we had the photoshoot.

Friday night I went out with friends for a pre-birthday celebration at Paddy Coynes.

Saturday night after the shoot, Katie and I went shopping for some required essentials to the shoot such as fake eyelashes. We had dinner and a few drinks at Beltown Pizza. Around midnight my favorite Irish fella invited us out...coincidentally to Paddy Coynes. So we ventured over there and joined the boys in a night of drinking Stella and Guinness. It was a late night with a lot of laughs and good company.

The photoshoot on sunday was a blast! At 30, I am nowhere where I thought I would be, but I couldn't be happier with how my life has been unfolding. I started my 30's off right!


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