Valentine's day is silly and so if family.

Lots of chocolate goodies at the office for the Hallmark Holiday. Valentines is silly. You should be thoughtful and loving all year round, not just one day. As seen in the above photo, you could see one of the high-rises along the Alaskan viaduct lit up in the shape of a heart that evening. Pretty clever. I could see that from my office.

I got this huge package yesterday. It was half the size of my apartment door. Inside was a handmade blanket Kaitlyn made me for christmas, a 70’s style orange umbrella. (the type that curve down to your shoulders and surround your head.)

For my birthday they got me a bunch of cool things, includeing fake eyelashes which was great. Its nice that my family is so supported of everything I do, even when I get down to my undies in a pinup shoot! I love my family!

Speaking of family.....
For how annoying myspace can be with all the spam and emails from strangers/bands, I am thankful there is such a site because its really opened a communication outlet for my family. A lot of my cousins are on there now and even though I am 3,000 miles away, we talk more through that than we have in the last several years. No matter what time it is on the East coast and west, I can log on to see the latest photos on their pages or the funny comments they post to each other. Uncle David is now on there, and even “blogging.” That’s hysterical!


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