
Showing posts from February, 2007

i love this ladybug

i love this ladybug Originally uploaded by fishnets & bobbypins gal . I bought this adorable Ladybug Raincoat and Boots for Marissa. I bought it 2 sizes too big so she could grow into it and play dress up. How cute! I'm glad she liked it. What's amazing is that I mailed it on Saturday and she got it Monday! Wow, good job USPS!

Hey mom, here's my new hair color.

Hey mom, here's my new hair color. Originally uploaded by fishnets & bobbypins gal . I love having short hair.

Valentine's day is silly and so if family.

Valentines... Lots of chocolate goodies at the office for the Hallmark Holiday. Valentines is silly. You should be thoughtful and loving all year round, not just one day. As seen in the above photo, you could see one of the high-rises along the Alaskan viaduct lit up in the shape of a heart that evening. Pretty clever. I could see that from my office. I got this huge package yesterday. It was half the size of my apartment door. Inside was a handmade blanket Kaitlyn made me for christmas, a 70’s style orange umbrella. (the type that curve down to your shoulders and surround your head.) For my birthday they got me a bunch of cool things, includeing fake eyelashes which was great. Its nice that my family is so supported of everything I do, even when I get down to my undies in a pinup shoot! I love my family! Speaking of family..... For how annoying myspace can be with all the spam and emails from strangers/bands, I am thankful there is such a site because its really opened a communicatio...

Happy in the snow

Happy in the snow Originally uploaded by Jessefive . My friend Jesse in Philly posted this photo of his adorable daughter in the snow. Isn't she the cutest! I think her and Marissa would have a blast together.

My 30th birthday!

Had the best 30th birthday ever. My friend Katie and I were part of Pin-Up University. We spent one day in class all day at a photography studio learning the tricks of the trade of old fashion pin-ups. Then Sunday we had the photoshoot. Friday night I went out with friends for a pre-birthday celebration at Paddy Coynes. Saturday night after the shoot, Katie and I went shopping for some required essentials to the shoot such as fake eyelashes. We had dinner and a few drinks at Beltown Pizza. Around midnight my favorite Irish fella invited us out...coincidentally to Paddy Coynes. So we ventured over there and joined the boys in a night of drinking Stella and Guinness. It was a late night with a lot of laughs and good company. The photoshoot on sunday was a blast! At 30, I am nowhere where I thought I would be, but I couldn't be happier with how my life has been unfolding. I started my 30's off right!