Snow - selling car- bought another computer

Though Thanksgiving was only 2 weeks past, I feel like its been so long since I posted something on here because I have been so busy.

There were snow storms (nothing compared to the East Coast!)0
I started to take the bus as frequently as I can. My car needs to have some things fixed but I honestly would rather sell it to someone who wants to fix it up rather than spend the money when I don't need it anymore. If I kept it, since I prefer to take the bus to work, I would have to deal with parking it or putting it in a garage. I'd rather sell it.

I had suite tickets to a concert the other night that had a bunch of bands such as the Shins, Snow Patrol, Gnarls Barkley, Pete Yorn, Taking Back Sunday, and others not worth mentioning. I can't help but absolutely love the song below by the irish band "snow Patrol"...

Gnarls Barkley was very entertaining. I had no clue who he was. His sound and performance is great. I love how his entire band, singers and stage people all dressed in a theme. At the concert I was at, they had an austin powers theme. If you look online, they have performed in pajamas, bathroom towels, or a ship crew like below....

I bought a new laptop last night! I absolutely love my little iBook but it doesn't have the capacity I need for my design programs. So I currently own 3 macs! That's insane! I've earned enough freelance that I can afford to upgrade. I will have to sell the iBook because its insane to have 3 computers. It will be hard to part with this little guy since its the perfect size for me. The new computer is slightly heavier and wider to it won't fit in my current laptop bag and will be slightly awkward for me to commute with. But itis worth every dime.


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