Christmas Holiday in Levittown, Pennsylvania

I had a great christmas at home in Levittown with my family.

Smooth flights

Breakfast at Golden Dawn with Cathy B, Jenna, and Marrissa

NJ State Aquarium with my mom, Jenna and Marissa.

Christmas shopping in one day!
Cheeseburger in Paradise with Mike, Kelly and my folks..

Christmas eve at Aunt Estelle and Uncle Flynn

Christmas day at the Jahrs, which started out interesting since my 1st home was up in flames when I pulled in front of Cheryl and Marq's.
Here, the current resident blew a candle out in the bathroom which sparked a fire. The family wasn't home but luckily the animals were removed safely and the house can be repaired. What a horrible thingg to happen on Christmas.

On a happy note, my friend Andy made me a cd with some original Holiday music.
One night, Mike and Kelly had people over their house to party since my time was so limited. So as a thank you to my friends who hung out and to Andy for his amazing music, I made the video below...


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